Химический факультет МГУ

Каталог размещения информации по томам в справочнике Gmelin

Antimon - Sb
Gmelin 18, O.-Comp. 5 Compounds of pentavalent antimony with three, two and one Sb-C bonds. - 1990
Gmelin 18, O.-Comp. 4 Compounds of pentavalent antimony with three Sb-C bonds . - 1986
Gmelin-Nr: 18 Ordnungszahl: 51 99-A-321-01
Gmelin 18, O.-Comp. 3 Compounds of pentavalent antimony with 6,5, and 4 Sb-C bonds . - 1982
Gmelin 18, O.-Comp. 2 Compounds of trivalent antimony with two and one Sb-C bonds. Stibabenzene. Stibacarboranes . - 1981
Gmelin 18, O.-Comp. 1 Compounds of trivalent antimony with three Sb-C bonds . - 1981
Gmelin 18, B, Lief. 2 1974
Gmelin 18, B, Lief. 1 Physikalische Eigenschaften des Elements (bis elektrische Leitfahigkeit). - Photomechan. Nachdr., 1943 . - 1970
Gmelin 18, A, Lief. 3 Bildung und Darstellung des Metalls. - Photomechan. Nachdr., 1950 . - 1973
Gmelin 18, A, Lief. 2 Schl?ss des Vorkommens . - . - 1943
Gmelin 18, A, Lief. 1 Geschichtliches. Vorkommen. - 1943

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