D.I. Mendeleev A.M.Butlerov



The department was founded in 1933 and developed from the Laboratory of Electrochemistry which was headed by A.N. Frumkin. The laboratory had been part of the Department of Physical Chemistry since 1929. The department was headed by Academician A.N. Frumkin (1933-1977), Professor B.B. Damaskin (1977 – 1998).
Since 1998 the department has been headed by Professor Oleg Aleksandrovich Petry

Tel: 939-13-21
e-mail: petrii@elch.chem.msu.ru

The major fields of research of the department are electrochemistry, radiochemistry of organic systems.
There are 4 laboratories within the department. The total staff of the department is 44 employees including 11 doctors and 19 candidates of science.

Laboratory of Bilayer and Electrochemical Kinetics

Head of the laboratory – Professor Boris Borisovich Damaskin
Tel: 939-55-01
e-mail: head@elch.chem.msu.ru

Laboratory of Electrocatalysis and Corrosion

Head of the laboratory – Professor Oleg Aleksandrovich Petry
Tel: 939-13-21
e-mail: petrii@elch.chem.msu.ru

Laboratory of Electrochemical Energetics

Head of the laboratory – Professor Boris Ivanovich Podlovchenko
Tel: 939-25-70
e-mail: poglov@elch.chem.msu.ru

Laboratory of Radiation Chemistry

Head of the laboratory – Leading Research Fellow Vladimir Isayevich Feldman
Tel: 939-48-70
e-mail: feldman@elch.chem.msu.ru


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