D.I. Mendeleev A.M.Butlerov

Foreign Division of the Chemistry Department

Migration registration of foreigners

After entering the Russian Federation every foreign citizen must be registered with the migration authorities.

In order to apply for registration every international student or visitor must come within 3 working days after entering Russia to the Foreign Division of the Department of Chemistry, room 231, with his/her passport and migration card.

After being registered foreign citizens receive a migration slip back, where the duration of their stay in Russia is stated. This migration slip confirms the legal status of your stay in Russia.

You can receive the migration slip in the Main Building of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, sector Б, room 104. Always keep the original registration slip with you.

You must inform the Foreign Division of the Department of Chemistry in room 231 or by e-mail foreign@direction.chem.msu.ru about all your travels in Russia or abroad because after returning to the Lomonosov Moscow State University you must apply for the migration registration again.

Citizens of CIS countries receive their first registration for 90 days, then it can be extended. For extension you must come to the Foreign Division of the Department of Chemistry in room 231 one month before the end of the registration.

Foreign citizens with a Russian visa receive the registration for the duration of their visa. When the visa is extended, the documents need to be handed in the Foreign Division of the Department of Chemistry one month before the expiry date of the visa. The process of visa extension takes approx. 30 days.

In order to extend the visa a foreign citizen needs to prepare the following documents:

  • Passport and copies of all passport pages
  • Migration card original + copy
  • Registration slip original + copy
  • Visa original + copy
  • Copy of the Order of Admission to Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • Visa extension fee payment (1600 RUR)
  • Application form (can be acquired at the Foreign Division)
  • Visa application form (can be acquired at the Foreign Division)

After receiving the new visa in the Main Building of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, sector Б, room 104 you need to apply for the new registration at the Foreign Division of the Department of Chemistry with the new visa.

Documents required for applying for the new registration:

  • Copies of all passport pages
  • New visa copy
  • Migration card copy
  • Previous registration slip copy
  • Visa original + copy
  • Notification (is prepared in the Foreign Division)

A foreign citizen must apply for migration registration immediately after arriving at the Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) in Russia.

If the foreigner resides in the MSU dormitory, the person responsible for the migration registration at the dormitory presents the required set of documents to the Foreign Division of the Chemistry Department:

  • Passport: copies of all pages
  • Visa copy
  • Migration card copy

After being registered foreign citizens receive a migration slip back, where the duration of their stay in Russia is stated. This migration slip confirms the legal status of the stay in Russia.

For a late migration registration a foreign citizen will be fined in the amount of 5 to 7 thousand RUB with administrative deportation from the Russian Federation.

Attention! If a foreign citizen does not have documents confirming the right to stay or reside in Moscow, the foreign citizen is fined in the amount of 5 to 7 thousand RUB with administrative deportation from the Russian Federation. (Documents confirming the right to stay or reside in Russia: passport, visa (if necessary), migration card, migration registration slip, i.e. registration).

A foreign citizen is fined in the amount of 5 to 7 thousand RUB with administrative deportation from the Russian Federation for inconsistency in the stated reason of a foreign citizen’s goal of entering the Russian Federation with the actual activities carried out in Moscow.

A foreign citizen will be denied entry and a temporary residence permit if he was deported during five years prior to filing documents or was deported more than once during the ten years prior to filing documents.

The host organization (Department of Chemistry) is subject to a fine in the amount of 500,000 to 1 million RUB for each foreign citizen hosted by the organization in violation of applicable laws.

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