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General Information
Registration Fees
Abstract Submission
Russian Visa
Poster Session
Sponsors and Exhibition

III International Conference on Heterocyclic Chemistry,
in Honor of the late Professor A.N. Kost's 95th Anniversary

Moscow, 18 - 21 October 2010

Abstract Submission

To submit an abstract you need to send an e-mail to the address to Yurovskaya Marina Abramovna with attached *.doc files.

All accepted abstracts will be published in the Proceedings volume. For the rules how to design the abstracts see below.

Please, notice that letters in the right hand corner are to mark abstract type (P - poster, O- oral/sectionary, L - lecture). Abstracts without mark will be considered lecture.

L, O, or P

Poster Title (Times New Roman 14)

1,5 line spacing

Author 1,a Representative Authorb, Correspondent Authora* and Author 2a (Times New Roman 12)

1,5 line spacing
aAffiliation, address and e-mail of authors A (Times New Roman 12 italic)

bAffiliation, address and e-mail of authors B

2 line spacing

Body text in Times New Roman 12, with 1,5 line spacing, including schemes, figures, formulae, tables and reference list, should fit the page. The margins should be 2.5 cm from the top, bottom, and right and 3 cm left. Reference should be in []. Formulae and schemes should be in ISIS-Draw, font Times New Roman (12).

Please specify the kind of your presentation in the right upper corner of the page: L (Lecture), O (oral), P (Poster)

1. D.E.Berlinger, J.J.Lalonde, J.Org. Chem., 52, 1601 (1987)

The authors are strongly recommended to follow these rules. Incorrectly formatted abstracts will be rejected without consideration.

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