D.I. Mendeleev A.M.Butlerov

Professional & Executive Education

Masters program in the field of Decommissioning of Nuclear facilities (including Radioactive Waste Management)

Masters program in the field of Decommissioning of Nuclear facilities
(including Radioactive Waste Management)

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Key information:

Duration - 2 years, Full-time
Applications open - Jun 1,2020
Course Starts - Sept 1, 2020
Contact - avputyatin@gmail.com

Program details

Decommissioning is a problematic area of the Nuclear industry. Only 35% of Decommissioning projects has successfully realized. That’s why MSU together with Rosatom corporation from 2019 was launched Principally new Masters program.

The Program consists 3 modules:

1. Basic module:

a) General Chemistry
b) Basics of radiochemistry
c) Interaction of ionizing radiation with matter, dosimetry, radiation monitoring
d) Basics of NFC
e) Computer technologies in science and education
f) Philosophy
g) Foreign language

2. Technological module:

a) Nuclear engineering and technology
b) Decommissioning of back-end Nuclear Facilities
c) Construction and liquidation of industrial buildings and structures
d) Radioactive waste management in decommissioning
e) Safety providing during decommissioning
f) Planning, design and projects implementation = in decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities and rehabilitation of radiation-contaminated areas
g) Application of CAD systems in the design and projects implementation in decommissioning
h) Analytical methods for researching of the properties of radioactive substances and materials
i) Methods of engineering and radiation survey of Nuclear Facilities and radiation-contaminated areas

3. Project management module:

a) Introduction to the profession with building an individual educational track
b) Organizational behavior
c) Knowledge Governance
d) Cost-value Economy of Decommissioning
e) Methodology of the system approach in management

Additional information

  • Students get access to the unique Educational platform to communicate with the professors 24/7, viewing online courses, participating in webinars etc.
  • Practice in Rosatom companies.

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